Thursday, February 4, 2010

Memorizing medical/scientific word parts -acu-[2] and belone-

The goal of Struggling Student's Memory Guide is to develop ways to use association and mnemonic memory techniques, instead of rote memorization, to remember educational information we can use for a lifetime.

blue emboldened words are common or college terms that can be use for word association purposes.

reddish brown emboldened words are medical terms that should be looked up in a medical dictionary for their figurative meanings.

-acu-[2] from L. acus means "needle". [acupuncture, lit. needle pricking, aculeate, lit. diminutive spine characteristic, Acuaria spiralis, lit. needle animal group - spiraled, acuminate, lit. like a needle, acus, lit. a needle, acusector, lit. a needle which cuts]

belone-, belono- from Gr. belone, means "needle". [belonephobia, lit. fear of needles, belonoskiascopy, lit. needle shadow viewing]

Memory Story: You accuse (acu-, acus, not related) an addict of wanting to be alone (belone-) so he can stick a needle in his arm and get a fix.

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